Bonded Warehouse and Supply Chain Management issues(Part-1):

Supply Chain Management (SCM) involves designing, planning, executing, controlling, and monitoring supply chain activities to increase value, build infrastructure, leverage logistical needs, supply and demand, and measure performance globally. SCM integrates with logistics, procurement, operations management, and information technology. Bonded warehouses are secure areas where dutiable goods are stored without duty payment, managed by the state or private companies. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are bonded logistical parks with trade arrangements over specific geographic areas, under customs supervision, and integral to the global supply chain.

The blockchain technology and transportation management

Abstract: In blockchain technology, if we relish to transmute the data of a block, we have to transmute the earlier block with it, or the whole blockchain would be invalid. When others of the blockchain verify the data it will be permanent and the transaction would be completed. Blockchain technology in transportation management ameliorates efficacy because of the technology’s capability […]

Bonded Warehouse and Supply Chain Management issues (Part-2):

Chittagong Port View – Outside view (Above) The Export Processing Zone:The Chittagong Export Processing Zone is situated in the South Halishahar area of Chittagong district. This is the main EPZ of total  8 EPZs in Bangladesh.According to Bangladesh government law of 1980 it started it’s journey at 1983. According to FDI Magazine of 2010 it is ranking four among the […]

Market Access Initiative for the less developed countries (LDC) and related Issues: A Canada perspective (Part-1)

Introduction: There are terms related with Market Access initiative and Canada tariff facility. While third world countries like Bangladesh want to access in Canada market with their exports they need to know well about those terms. The important terms are mentioned below: Beneficiary Country: A beneficiary country is entitled for General Preferential tariff (GPT), LDC or MFN tariff facilities. Certification: Certificate […]

Market Access Initiative for the less developed countries (LDC) and related Issues: A Canada perspective (Part-2)

Introduction: LDCs are countries with poverty, human resource weakness, and economic vulnerability. Which conditions and criteria are reviewed by a UN and Social Council (ECOSOC) committee every three years. In International trade LDCs get some tariff and market access facilities. Canada is also providing some tariff and market access facilities to the LDCs,which includes many third world countries including Bangladesh, a country in the South Asian region. Hope the following narratives […]